Opportunities for fitness
We are thankful that Todd Norman from Cutting Edge Sports Training and Tra Lewis from BBT Athletics have recorded a number of exercises and routines that you can do at home. Feel free to mix and match various exercises to create new, challenging, and fun workouts! Each video highlights the purpose of the exercise and things to focus on while performing that exercise. ENJOY AND GET AFTER IT!
Click below for access to volleyball training exercises to improve:
Introduction from Todd Norman of Cutting Edge Sports Training
Core Routine - 4 exercises
to build core strength
Line Work - 3 exercises
for foot speed & quickness
Step Work - 4 exercises
to build foot speed & explosiveness
Agility - Shuttle Run - to
improve change in direction
Shoulder Strengthening Exercises
4 exercises to improve shoulder health
Pre-Workout Activation Exercises
to activate muscles for workout
Jump Rope Routine - 4 exercises
for ankle & calf strength + cardio
Plyometric Exercises - 3 exercises
to build leg strength & explosiveness
Agility Exercises - 2 exercises
to improve quickness
Reaction Cone Drill - to
improve explosiveness
Full Workout Circuit - full
circuit to improve strength & help you stay in shape
Arm Swings - to
maintain explosiveness
Pause Squat to Leap - to improve
basic power & explosiveness
Single Leg Ground Response - to land safely & drive up quickly
Single Leg Explosive Lunge - to
improve explosiveness
Passing Side to Side - incorporating
footwork & work on ball control
Lateral Step to Vertical Jump - to
improve explosiveness
Side Plank - to strengthen core +
some shoulder mobility
Line Work - to improve foot speed &
change of direction
Quick Feet to Vertical Leap -to
improve quickness & explosiveness
Single Leg Jump & Square - to
improve explosiveness off of 1 leg
Vertical Leap, Shuffle, Pass -
incorporating volleyball movements
Pop up, Shuffle, Pass -
incorporating volleyball movements
Shoulder Mobility - to improve
shoulder health
Core Work - to improve core
Workout by Coach Kurt: